Scrap 1
is a term used to describe recyclable materials left over from every manner of product consumption, such as
parts of vehicles, building supplies, and surplus materials. Often confused with waste, scrap in fact has significant
monetary value. Overall, the scrap industry processes more than 145000000 short tons (129464286 long tons;
131541787 t) of recyclable material each year into raw material feedstock for industrial manufacturing around the
world. In 2007 the United States' exported over 10 billion dollars worth of scrap steel.
Role in the American economy
The scrap industry contributed $65 billion in 2006 and is one of the few contributing positively to the U.S. balance
of trade, exporting $15.7 billion in scrap commodities in 2006. This imbalance of trade has resulted in rising scrap
prices during 2007 and 2008 within the United States.
[2] Scrap recycling also helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions
and conserves energy and natural resources. For example, scrap recycling diverts 145000000 short tons (129464286
long tons; 131541787 t) of materials away from landfills. Recycled scrap is a raw material feedstock for 2 out of 3
pounds of steel made in the U.S., for 60% of the metals and alloys produced in the U.S.,ddd for more than 50% of
the U.S. paper industry
’s needs, and for 33% of U.S. aluminum. Recycled scrap helps keep air and water cleaner by
removing potentially hazardous materials and keeping them out of landfills.
How scrap is processed
Piles of scrap metal being utilized for the World War II effort, circa 1941
Scrap metal originates just as frequently
between businesses and homes as well. The
proper disposal and recycling of scrap metal
is typically done by a business or service.
Typically a "scrapper" will advertise his
services to conveniently remove scrap metal
for people who don't need it, or need to get
rid of it.
Scrap is often taken to a wrecking yard (also
known as a scrapyard, junkyard, or breaker's
yard), where it is processed for later melting
into new products. A wrecking yard,
depending on its location, may allow
customers to browse their lot and purchase
items before they are sent to the smelters
although many scrap yards that deal in large
quantities of scrap usually do not, often selling entire units such as engines or machinery by weight with no regard to
their functional status. Customers are typically required to supply all of their own tools and labor to extract parts, and
some scrapyards may first require waiving liability for personal injury before entering. Many scrapyards also sell
bulk metals (stainless steel, etc) by weight, often at prices substantially below the retail purchasing costs of similar
In contrast to wreckers, scrapyards typically sell everything by weight, rather than by item. To the scrapyard, the
primary value of the scrap is what the smelter will give them for it, rather than the value of whatever shape the metal
may be in. An auto wrecker, on the other hand, would price the exact same scrap based on what the item does,
regardless of what it weighs. Typically, if a wrecker cannot sell something above the value of the metal in it, they
would then take it to the scrapyard and sell it by weight. Equipment containing parts of various metals can often be
Scrap 2
purchased at a price below that of either of the metals, due to saving the scrapyard the labor of separating the metals
before shipping them to be recycled. As an example, a scrapyard in Arcata, California sells automobile engines for
$0.25 per pound, while aluminum, of which the engine is mostly made, sells for $1.25 per pound. Scrap prices are
reported in a handful of U.S. publications, including American Metal Market, based on confirmed sales.
Great potential exists in the scrap metal industry for accidents in which a hazardous material which is present in
scrap causes death, injury or environmental damage. A classic example is radioactivity in scrap; see the Goiânia
accident and the Mayapuri radiological accident as examples of accidents involving radioactive materials which
entered the scrap metal industry and some details of the behavior of contaminating chemical elements in metal
smelters. The general nature of many of the tools used in scrapyards such as Alligator shear, which cut metal using
hydraulics give themselves the need for safety.
A pile of scrap. A scrapyard. Scrap from cans Compacted scraps pile
British Rail locomotives stacked
awaiting scrapping.
See also
• Recyclable waste
• Heavy melting steel
• Ship breaking
• Metal theft
External links
• Scrap
[3] at the Open Directory Project
Scrap 3
[1] "Scrap Metal Includes Gold and Platinum" (http:/ / www. goldpaq. com/ scrap-metal-includes-gold-and-platinum/ ). . Retrieved 2008-08-28.
[2] "American Scrap Coalition Crisis" (http:/ / www. scrapcoalition. com/ crisis. htm). . Retrieved 2008-08-28.
[3] http:/ / www. dmoz. org/ Business/ Environment/ Waste_Management/ Recycling/ /
Article Sources and Contributors 4
Article Sources and Contributors
Source: Contributors: 16@r,, Adam850, Addamroy, Afredo, Andreworkney, Ash, AzaToth, BD2412, Basemaze,
Beao, Beetstra, Binary TSO, Blow of Light, Bmcg, Borvan53, Bushytails, C1k3, Cadmium, CambridgeBayWeather, Carrolljon, Checkmeat 09, Cmidolo, Cmprince, Collabi, Discospinster,
Dkozul, DrDeke, Duncharris, Ebayiscool2, FisherQueen, Furrykef, Gene Nygaard, Gluestick101, God ryuuku, Graham87, Grick, Guna c, Gurch, G®iffen, Hmains, J 1982, JNW, Jeltz,
Jeneequah, Jibi44, Kbh3rd, Kushal one, Lacrimosus, Lajsikonik, Lappster, Lomn, Lop239, MarkS, MaxVeers, Maxw11, Mboverload, Melaen, Misterx2000, Mvpolis, Neom202, Ngebendi,
ONEder Boy, Orgullomoore, Ourai, Pakaraki, Penford, Peter Horn, Ponydepression, Puddhe, Reinyday, Robuckmetal, Ronz, RoyBoy, Ryan4314, Sandstein, Schmiteye, SchuminWeb,
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Vmenkov, Vortexrealm, Vsmith, Wanless.enviro, Whiner01, Who, Whokebe11, Writtenonsand, Zzrbiker, 136 anonymous edits
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
File:Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp Scrap Piles.jpg
Source: License: Public Domain
: Palmer, Alfred T.
: Public Domain Contributors: User:Goodshoped35110s
Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: G®iffen, Heierlon, Orgullomoore, Sandstein, Väsk, 1
anonymous edits
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Source: License: GNU Free Documentation License Contributors: Rotor DB
Source: License: unknown Contributors: Paul Miller
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have certain parts that can be taken down to a scrap metal
recycling center. Some companies request that only the recyclable parts be
brought in while others will take the entire washer, dryer, or hot water heater.
If these items no longer work and then need to be disposed of, why not get a
little extra money for them? Even an oven or fridge can be turned
you are planning to bring something by the scrap metal recycling center, call
ahead or check the company's website before making a trip down there. It is
important to find out how things are done. It can be awkward to get everything
down there only to find that the cans need to be crushed or the parts need to be
removed from the washer. It is much easier to find these things out in
amount of money is going to vary depending on the types of metals and the amount
that you have. Don't be disappointed if it is not as lucrative as you had hoped
on your first trip. It is important to learn the ropes and how things work in
order to get the most cash for your items.
types of items can be turned into a scrap metal recycling center? Everyone knows
that vehicles can be turned in for cash but are there really other items around
the house that can be worth something? With just one walk around the house and
the backyard, families might be surprised to learn what items they can recycle.
Here are just a few examples.
the Yard:
Lawn furniture only lasts so long. The elements often have a
diminishing effect on lawn chairs and tables. The cushions begin to fade and no
one wants to leave them in the yard if they are not being used. The metal from
the lawn chairs can be turned into a scrap metal recycling center. Separate the
pieces from the metals and bring them by to see how much they are
fixing up a vehicle, there are some parts that no longer work and need to be
tossed out. Instead of putting them in the trash, take these items to be
recycled. Even if they are not worth a lot of money, some money is better than
getting nothing for putting the pieces in the trash.
the House:
Aluminum cans are perfect for the scrap metal recycling center. If a family
loves soda, they can easily begin to fill up a box or bag to take in. To get the
most out of every visit, consider asking friends and family to save their cans
too. It may not seem like much at first but walking away with cash in hand will
be exhilarating. This is something that even the kids can do to make a little
extra money.
Standard Power supply Reuse Organization in canada recycles battery power
through organizing them into chemistries that distinguishes the different kinds.
They then continue to eliminate the flammable material and clean away the
damaging contaminants so that they can liquefy the steel.
is essential to the surroundings to ensure that you are taking the effort to
recycle battery power so that it has no effect on the surroundings and doesn't
contaminate factors like water. It is also essential to research where you can
recycle battery power so that you fully understand when enough time comes to
throw them away where you are able to do so.Overall, there are different factors
that happen, when it includes
metal recycling toronto battery power and you should take the
appropriate safety measures to create North america a eco-friendly nation. By
doing this it will hopefully help decrease the threats of the ecological threats
that the many different battery types can cause. It is also essential to know
that there are different battery power that are used for different factors.
These are battery power such as lead-acid battery power, alkaline battery power,
nickel-cadmium battery power, and lithium battery power. By
scrap metal
recyclingyou are doing your part to helping create canada a more
eco-friendly nation.
Standard Power supply Reuse Organization in canada works on customers part to
assist them in recycling battery power in an eco-friendly way. They do this by
delivery pre-paid bins to businesses on customer's behalves so that they can
drop off their battery power for recycling. The primary reason for recycling
battery power is to prevent harmful substances causing contaminants in
nickel-cadmium battery power are got rid of carelessly the cyndrical tube
corrodes eventually and causes the cadmium to come out and cause contaminants.
Also when lithium battery power are carelessly got rid of the lithium a longer
period becomes revealed which can cause shoots subterranean that can cause many
other issues. The type of battery power you may find this in is timepieces and
assistive hearing devices, where li-lion battery power for factors like mobile
phones and notebooks do not contain steel lithium. By effectively recycling
battery power it decreases the chance of contaminants and shoots.
the program providing customers with the materials they need to aid them in
recycling battery power effectively we can prevent contaminants and enhance an
ecological nation. As an individual living in North america you are regularly
purchasing battery power for things for the home, toys and games, and vehicle
requirements. So when they die or need to be tossed out you should take the
appropriate safety measures to recycle them.
components of these characteristics are often divided into two categories,
namely the non-ferrous and ferrous metals
- the discarded metals presented in non-ferrous are all metals other than iron
and steel. Included in this classification is lead, zinc oxide, steel, chromium,
dime, birdwatcher, titanium, metal (including bins and foil), and birdwatcher.
Plenty of
scrap zinc is retrieved each year and re-cycled by the
processor chips, which is then approved on to fabricators, smelters, foundries,
ingot creators, and identical sectors.
- steel and iron based discarded components are classified as the ferrous
components, and might consist of scrap iron from delivers, household equipment,
railway paths, metal supports, food appearance, and identical other bins.
of the two kinds of metals, non-ferrous discarded is often seen as more
economically deserving. Non-ferrous metals like scrap brass is often ranked in
money per pounds, whereas the ferrous discarded (steel and iron) is typically
seen as money per ton.
you have scrap electronics to discard the best thing to do is to contact a local
discard garden, either by phone or searching on an organization's website, and
finding out what kinds of metals are approved, which can of course avoid a
possibly lost trip. It is especially important to call ahead if you have a large
fill of metal that you wish to get rid of of.
metal includes an extensive variety of eco friendly components. Although a lot
most people might affiliate the referrals to 'scrap metal' as pieces of
unnecessary or used metal parts which has no particular value, the discarded
industry is very confident in a number of nations across the globe.
is perfect content for recycle and offers a wide-range of advantages. Advantages
to recycle the different kinds of components like auto scrap and other scrap
metals consist of a much lower need to carry out exploration, decrease the cost
for the producers of metal, and also help with providing high-quality metal
items across the globe. As opposed to some of the other popular eco friendly
components, such as plastic and paper, metal is one content source that will not
lower even after going through the recycle process several times.
common discarded garden might well be willing to agree to all
electronics which are then started
and approved on to produce a new variety of materials and products. Some metal
gardens might agree to only a particular type of metal, while other gardens may
be more willing to take both the non-ferrous and ferrous kinds of scrap
Million tons of steel leftovers are used for various
requirements in different areas of the world. Removed materials include both
ferrous and non ferrous materials. The materials which are not in use and are
extracted can be classified as scrap materials. In fact every steel from metal
to silver have steel elements that are extracted or stay as spend after several
business requirements. Such things are gathered to be known as scrap
Scrap materials have several business uses and can be
gathered from many locations. These days the scrap steel market is one of the
most ensuring and growing market in many areas around the globe. Metal scrap is
used for several requirements moreover to other kinds of ferrous
Metal discarded steel acquired from these sources are
further re-cycled and used for several requirements such as development
requirements such as building bridges, streets and so forth. It can also be used
to produce vehicles, planes and other means of transportations. The use of
discarded is affordable and allows to maintain your natural sources of the
world. Metal discarded is also used to produce various materials such as cans
used for different requirements.
Scrap aluminum has been created ever since the need for the
steel has launched. This metal discarded is one of the important elements that
are being used in most of the sectors these days. Re-cycled discarded is being
used for several requirements as most of the items created these days contain
this steel. It is extremely used for the production of vehicle parts, windows,
gates and electric equipment. Due to the improve in the use of discarded
materials of all types, the additional market of steel leftovers has
knowledgeable a significant growth in the international marketplaces.

Aluminum recycling varies in kinds and principles. There
are certain kinds which can be got rid of quickly at different recycle programs
and marketplaces. The value itself is comparative and is relied on the
production and how challenging or easy it may be to acquire them while keeping
their top circumstances and features. Studying more about the kinds and quality
can start profitable offers for you in the business metal discarded
Did you know that vehicle production is the biggest
industry? No awards for wondering that it also produces the highest possible
spend. Now, think about how much problem it would be developing for dumps and
therefore on the surroundings. This is where auto salvage comes in the image by
allowing restoring of the recyclable vehicle areas of your discarded car. Parts
that are not in a place to be recycled are removed securely to prevent damage to
the surroundings are
scrap. This way, it stops wastefulness of areas that can be
Tal Metal Recycling is interested in fully satisfying its
customers, consumers and employees while also maintaining a healthy environment.
We care, first and foremost, about the quality of our product and service. By
going green, we attempt to make the world a better place: reduce pollution and
waste, endorse reuse rather than disposal of metals, save energy and form a
safer and more conscientious workforce.
About Tal Metal
Tal Metal Recycling is a second-generation family owned
business and has been in operation since 1997. Originally an aluminum recycling
company, it has since evolved, by now recycling all non-ferrous type metals.
This process allows for the reuse of these metals without any loss of their
original properties. Tal Metal Recycling now offers the local and global buying,
processing and distribution of non-ferrous scrap metals.
Tal Metal Recycling has a
self-formulated set of logistics and strategies, as well as a highly-skilled
staff with an emphasis on professional, fluent and fast service. Our aspiration
is to be dedicated and committed to our clients' needs while maintaining honest
and reliable service.
Contact Information:
84 Drumlin Circle, Concord,
Ontario, L4K 3E9
Phone: (905) 660 - 7081
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (905) 660 -
7081 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax: (905) 660 - 6735
In terms of an air conditioning unit - a rich source of copper - it is the
exterior of the unit that proves mostly fruitful for thieves. This is because
the pipes which hold the refrigerant are made of copper and a typical air
conditioning unit will possess around 24 kilograms of copper tubing. In order to
battle the rising rush of copper theft from air conditioning units, business
owners are responding to the thefts by taking protection by installing cages or
erecting fencing around the units as a restriction
- copper is normally used in piping that is used to transmit gas-flow and central
heating systems into the home
the summer months come near, offices, shops and factories across the country
will ever more place demands on their air condition units. Having been in
hibernation mode during the winter months, many air conditioning units will have
had little stare paid to them during this time, and it is during this time that
many units will stop working - often not because of mechanical malfunction, but
because of thieves, and lots of businesses won't understand this until it's too
late. That's why is crucially important that businesses which use
air-conditioning should check their system in order to ensure it is still
undamaged and operable.
aren't concerned in stealing the air conditioning units themselves; while most
thieves would run a mile at the mention of 'copper', thinking that you were
referring to the police, it is in reality a different kind of copper they are
interested in: the copper which forms part of the unit. Coinciding with the
existing period of high value copper prices, there has been a global increase in
the number of incidents relating to the theft of copper-constructed components -
and air conditioning units are a prime target.
thefts of copper components from air conditioning units has affected many
industries which consume air conditioning services, including power utilities,
telecommunications, transport networks and the construction industry chiefly.
However, it isn't just industries that are being under attack by thieves as even
the art world has been affected with reports of bronze statues being among
thieves' rich loot.
Metal Recycling is a reliable metal recycling company, which specializes in the
buying, processing and distribution of non-ferrous scrap metals like scrap brass
Toronto and
scrap copper
Toronto of any sort, volume or
size. Tal Metal Recycling offers metal recycling and distribution services to
any industrial consumer. It sells non-ferrous metals within Canada as well as
Different places in which you will be able to discover scrap
There are many different places in which you will be able to discover scrap metal that others might discover a advantage if you would help them get rid of what in their thoughts consider to be trash. Some great places to begin are by looking in your the regional press, or online classified listings ad sites such as in your town. It could even be valuable for you to publish an ad in these places to inform individuals that you are willing to eliminate their clutter metal from their qualities cost-free. Of course before you agree to this it is often best to know what you will be choosing up and also have the exact real estate asset transport for the job at side.
Once you begin the selection procedure you are going to want to create certain that you have a devoted area to shop all of your products before you gather enough to create a journey down to your regional recycle middle and money in. It is also often a sensible exercise to have some kind of organization technique such as selecting by kinds of metal, dimension, or bodyweight.
Hopefully you have discovered some of these guidelines useful and have given you some inspiration to begin either seeking scrap metal recycle as a increased enjoyment action or probably a real organization enterprise. Either way recalls to keep it pleasant and secure when exercising these techniques distributed.
The Fundamentals of Scrap Metal Recycling Through the use of scrap metal recycle it is possible to generate some additional money on the part or even full-time if you become devoted to it. You will discover various scrap metal all around from right in your own lawn to the organization doing organization down the road. You should know basic principles of scrap metal recycle before you begin on your new journey.
It is essential to get in touch with a regional recycle middle in or near your town before you begin learning about the kinds of materials they agree to and the costs they are willing to pay for your leftovers. Often periods you will be compensated by the lb for each different kind of metal you have. The costs that the organizations will provide to you for your scrap metal will go up and down with the industry costs so it is excellent to keep an eye on this determine and upgrade it at least per month.
If possible make an effort to get to know the workers or proprietor of your regional recycle garden and be on a helpful base with them. Often periods they will be willing to help provide you with guidelines or concepts of other places to discover additional scrap metal in places you may never have believed to look yourself. This will also be valuable to create your new project more pleasant as it is always best to perform with individuals you have come to know and get along well with instead of having to worry getting your next fill down to your regional recycle middle and cope with the impolite workers that perform there.
How Recycling scrap copper& scrap steel Can Make You Money
Metal recycling companies will not accept the device as a whole, so you will have to separate the metallic parts like scrap steel from other parts of the device like plastic or anything else which is not a metal. You will need some practice to break open your device and strip out the metallic parts and you will need to take some precautions while stripping your device, especially if it is a non-ferrous metal like scrap copper and aluminum, as your device may have been made of recycled products containing gallium and arsenic which are harmful chemicals. You may not be able to completely separate the metallic and plastic parts of your device but most recycling companies will accept your scrap device if it at least has 80% metal content.
To summarize, recycling scrap metals has increasingly become a popular business concept. It has become a whole profitable industry in itself in a short time. You can make money and at the same time, doing your bit to help the environment and help save our Mother Earth’s natural resources.
Posted by talmetal at 04:06 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook
How Aluminum recycling Can Make You Money As Well As Helping to Save The Environment
Now let us talk about various kinds of metals that are being recycled. There are two main types of scrap metal-Ferrous and Nonferrous. Ferrous is usually used for construction materials, tubes, wiring, pipes and cars, railroads etc. while non-ferrous metals are used in compressors, electronic devices and mainframes of computers, air conditioning units and in industrial appliances. Ferrous metal contains iron but for people, who are in the business of recycling scrap metals, it is much more profitable to do Copper and Aluminum recycling as these metals are rarer than iron and so they need to be regularly recycled so as to increase their availability. Some other non-ferrous materials are nickel, titanium, platinum, arsenic, tin, brass, tungsten and mercury etc. The process of electrolysis is usually used to separate and refine these metals.
But, for some people who know that they can get some money by recycling their old devices, to supplement their income by selling units made of metal to a metal recycling company. Many novices have also started scrap electronics recycling as a hobby because it fetches them some money.
How Recycling Scrap Metal Can Make You Money As Well
How Recycling Scrap Metal Can Make You Money As Well As Helping to Save The Environment.
Nowadays as more and more people are aware of the damage we are doing to Mother Earth and most of us know the benefits of recycling of metals. Living green and buying green products has become cool and trendy. You can also see that customers are buying organic products and environmentally friendly products, even though some of them tend to be a little bit more costly than conventional products that they were used to. This concept of recycling has been very effective in making the environment free from pollution and other toxic chemicals leaking out into our rivers, sea and ground water.
Most people do not know that their used scrap electronics can fetch them some money and they just throw it out if the electronic device has been damaged and go and buy a new one. These days, the price of electronic equipments become much cheaper, so when a TV, fridge, motors, compressors and air conditioning units etc breaks down, most people prefer to buy a new device and just throw the old device.
How Recycling scrap
copper& scrap steel Can Make You Money
recycling companies will not accept the device as a whole, so you will have to
separate the metallic parts like scrap steel from other parts of the device like plastic
or anything else which is not a metal. You will need some practice to break open
your device and strip out the metallic parts and you will need to take some
precautions while stripping your device, especially if it is a non-ferrous metal
like scrap copper and aluminum, as your device may have been
made of recycled products containing gallium and arsenic which are harmful
scrap metal recycling toronto