| The following is a list of directories and companies promoting a variety of accounting software.
| Accounting Software 411
Accounting Software 411 is the premier website for accounting software news and information. The website features custom software seaches with side-by-side comparisons, consultant's directory, message boards, software downloads and much more.
Intuit Quicken, TurboTax and ProSeries
This large site presents many of Intuit's business software products.
CANTAX Income Tax Preparation Software
CANTAX is designed to assist Canadian accountants and bookkeepers with business/corporate taxes and EFILE tax returns.
ACCPAC provides Windows accounting and business software to the corporate, small business, and small office/home office markets. Their products include ACCPAC® for Windows, ACCPAC® PlusTM Accounting, e.Advantage SuiteTM, Simply Accounting®, and BPI® Accounting.
This is a comprehensive site about Oracle, one of the world's largest software providers. Links included are products, communities, resources, languages, and regions.
This site has catalogued, categorized, and classified information on hundreds of accounting applications and thousands of consultants. Information can be obtained by completing an Online Request For Proposal (RFP) or by searching the database yourself.
Accounting System Selector
This site features information about and reviews of over 150 accounting systems as well as offering to sell the program "The Library" (TAL). This evaluation tool provides a mechanism for companies to gather information about and evaluate the capabilities of a wide field of candidate systems.
Nfp Accounting
This online guide specializes in accounting software and fund accounting resources for non-profit organizations.
CPA Online
This site allows businesses seeking accounting software systems to obtain information on a wide range of accounting software publishers, products, and consultants. |

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Resources |
| There is a wealth of information on the World Wide Web that can help you better understand the world of accounting and the issues surrounding industry and business. Some useful links are provided below.
For information specific to Canadian accountants, go to the Canadian Sources for Accountants section.
To find valuable information and links relating to specific designations of accounting associations, go to the Sites by Accounting Associations and Professionals section.
For a collection of links to a wide array of useful accounting resources go to the Directories of Resources.
For lists of magazines created by accounting firms and associations as well as independent magazine companies, go to Accounting Magazines.
Other resources important to the practice of accountants are located in the Accounting Issues and Accounting Standards sections.
Also check out the Accounting Terms section for glossaries of accounting terminology.
Finally, review our Miscellaneous section which includes some interesting sites.
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Directories of Resources
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Canadian Sources for Accountants
| CCH Canadian Limited
The leading publisher of Canadian tax information in print and electronic format provides information about their products at this website.
Carswell Professional Centre
Carswell is Canada's largest publisher of books and publications for the legal, tax and accounting professions and for business controllers, librarians and human resources professionals and researchers.
Strategis is Industry Canada's home page providing business information and statistics on markets, industries, company sourcing, business partners and alliances, products, international trade, business management, micro-economy, regulations, research laboratories, science and technology, and technology transfer.
Revenue Canada
Revenue Canada provides on-line access to most of Revenue Canada's public information, including guides, brochures, forms, and news releases.
Standards Council of Canada
The Standards Council of Canada is an excellent source of information on the International Standards Association guides to quality standards.
Canadac Services
Canadac Services works with international trade policy, export development, trade education and training, and international partnering, specializing in SME's.
Finance Canada
The Department of Finance Canada is the federal department primarily responsible for providing the Government of Canada with analysis and advice on the broad economic and financial affairs of Canada. Their website gives detailed information about government's role in business and personal accounting.
Morochove's AccountNetGuide
Morochove's AccountNetGuide lists hundreds of useful accounting and finance links, including financial software resources and tax tips with a Canadian emphasis.
E*TRADE Canada
E*TRADE Canada provides on-line trading of many mutual funds without commission and transaction fees.
Toronto Stock Exchange
This site describes the TSE's role in North America's stock exchange. |
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Sites by Accounting Associations and Professionals
| Certified General Accountants' Association of Canada
CGA-Canada is the association of 56,500 certified general accountants and CGA students in Canada, Bermuda, the nations of the Caribbean, and the Pacific Rim. Its website presents an overview of its membership and their work.
CMA Canada
CMA Canada represents more than 31 000 Certified Management Accountants (CMAs) and students in Canada and around the world.
The CICA represents a membership of over 68 000 professional accountants and 8 500 students in Canada and Bermuda.
Rutgers Accounting Web (RAW)
RAW is a large site containing a wealth of information for accounting students, professors and professionals.
Institute of Management Accountants
The IMA is the one of the world's largest associations in the education, certification and training of management accountants and corporate financial professionals.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
The AICPA is the largest American professional association for CPAs. Its website contains varied information of interest to accounting students.
AccountingNet is an online resource for accounting and finance professionals. It includes CPA, CPE, GAAP, GASB, FASB information, industry news, resources, important industry links and accounting products.
The PricewaterhouseCoopers site presents a variety of information on accounting and business topics.
Accounting Professionals' Resource Center for CPAs
The Resource Center lists publications and courses that help accounting, auditing and, tax professionals to use technology in their work.
Ernst & Young Canada
The Ernst & Young site contains a variety of information about accounting practices.
Knowledge Space
This Arthur Andersen site is open to new users for a 30-day trial period.
Deloitte & Touche Online
Deloitte & Touche provides tips and articles relevant to accountants.
This online resource for accounting professionals includes numerous links to accounting-related websites.
CCH Business Owner's Toolkit
This site is provided by the publisher CCH. The SOHO Guidebook and the business tools section include templates for managing a small business, including financial, marketing and human resource issues. |
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Accounting Magazines
| The Bottom Line
The Bottom Line is a monthly Canadian magazine for accountants and finance professionals.
Business Finance Magazine
Business Finance presents information on business management and technology issues for accountants and finance professionals, controllers, comptrollers, CFOs, and treasurers.
CMA Management Magazine
Formerly the CMA Magazine, the CMA Management Magazine is a publication devoted to discussion of current management practices. It is produced by The Society of Management Accountants of Canada.
Electronic Accountant - The Accountant's Web Magazine and Resource Guide
Electronic Accountant offers access to news and information about the accounting industry, including Newswire, weblinks and commentary, discussion groups, feature articles, and accounting/tax software exhibit halls.
The Internet Bulletin for CPAs
The Internet Bulletin for CPAs is a monthly newsletter devoted to CPAs and the Internet. |
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Accounting Issues
| Financial Accounting Standards Board
The American Financial Accounting Standards Board strives to improve standards of financial accounting and reporting for the guidance and education of the public, including issuers, auditors, and users of financial information.
The ABC Authority
ABC is the leading resource for activity-based costing and management.
Economic Value Added®
Detailed information about EVA®, a proprietary framework developed by consulting firm Stern Steward & Co. that offers a consistent approach to setting goals and measuring performance, is available at this site.
AuditNet presents information and resources developed for auditors by Jim Kaplan, the founder of AuditNet and an Internet Audit pioneer. |
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Accounting Standards
| Financial Accounting Standards Board
The American Financial Accounting Standards Board stives to improve standards of financial accounting and reporting for the guidance and education of the public, including issuers, auditors, and users of financial information.
General Accounting Office
The American General Accounting Office is the investigative arm of the United States Congress. It is charged with examining matters relating to the receipt and disbursement of public funds, performing audits and evaluations of Government programs and activities.
Governmental Accounting Standards Board
The American Governmental Accounting Standards Board strives to improve standards of state and local governmental accounting and financial reporting that will result in useful information for users of financial reports and guide and educate the public, including issuers, auditors, and users of those financial reports.
The Institute of Internal Auditors
The IIA serves more than 60,000 members in internal auditing, governance and internal control, IT audit, education, and security from more than 100 countries. It is also involved in certification, education, research, and technological guidance for the profession, and serves as a watchdog and resource on international auditing issues.
Why Sound Accounting Standards Count
This is an article by James Don Edwards and Joseph H. Godwin discussing the importance of standards in the accounting field.
CICA - Standards and Guidelines
The CICA provides standard and guidance on how to provide accounting information in a format that is understandable, comparable, and reliable. |
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Accounting Terms
The following are a few resources providing definitions of common accounting and auditing terms.
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ASWA is a professional organization dedicated to the advancement of opportunities for women in all fields of accounting.
Search Engine Resources
This page lists some of the search engines and directories found on the Internet.
Publication and News Resources
This site provides a comprehensive list of magazines (business & investing, computer-related, and general), newsletters, newspapers (Canadian & American), and other news sources.
TSE -Toronto Stock Exchange
This site provides information about investing as well as quotations on TSE listed stocks. |
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